Numerology and The Major Arcana. Part 0

The Fool

Numerology and the Major Arcana. Part 0. The Fool

When it comes to Tarot card meanings, many readers will look at the picture and deduce their meaning from that.  But there is another element that can be considered which can both simplify Tarot reading and add a greater layer of depth.  This element is Numerology.

In the following series of articles I will look at Numerology and the Major Arcana cards and describe the meaning each card can have based upon numerology.  I will also give a traditional meaning for each card, a mixed meaning (traditional + numerological) and give some keywords to remember for each card discussed.

We start our series on Numerology and the Major Arcana with The Fool.

Numerology and the Major Arcana.
Card Zero: The Fool

When we consider numbers, 0 does not sound or feel very important.  After all, it represents nothing…right?  What if you got a paycheck with only 0 on it?  It’s value would only be as a piece of paper.  It would make a great bookmark…but little else.

But in Numerology 0 is an exciting number.  It stands for infinite limitless potential.  Eden Gray in her book A Complete Guide To Tarot calls 0 the number of “Unmanifest Deity.”  And we can also think of 0 as representing the human soul about to take birth.  Much more than just nothing, it can represent a limitless source of potential which, once tapped into, can empower us to achieve more and dream bigger in life.

And in the material world, 0 can also be a powerful number to consider.  Let’s go back to our example of a paycheck.  If only 0 was written on that check, the check would have no value.  Put the number 1 on that check, and it would have some value, though not much.  But…start adding 0’s after that 1, and we can see the value of that check begin to take off.

$10, $100, $1000, $10,000.

The sky could be the limit!

So 0 means a lot more than just nothing.  It can represent a vast sea of unrealized potential just waiting to be manifested into reality.

The Fool: Numerological Meaning

Relating the number 0 to The Fool we can see the meaning as being Infinite Potential or a soul about to be born into the material world.  Instead of representing a foolish person (as some might think) it can represent a being with a great future in front of it.  A being of limitless potential about to embark on a grand adventure.  A powerful card when viewed from this perspective.

The Fool: Traditional Meaning

When it comes to traditional meanings for The Fool, Eden Gray describes the card as representing a “Dreamer” or a “Mystic.  Others relate the notion of travel, escape, foolishness and irresponsibility, innocence, and spontaneity to the card.  And these meanings can all fit depending on whether we give a positive or negative interpretation to the card.  A Dreamer can be a person who is years ahead of his/her time.  But a Dreamer who sits and does nothing gains nothing from those dreams.

The Fool: Mixed Meaning

Considering a mix of the Numerological meaning with traditional Tarot meanings I see The Fool as representing the unlimited potential found within each and every one of us.  We are all sparks of Divine Soul running around the planet in human form, and we all have an unlimited potential buried within.  The question for each of us is, do we realize some of this unlimited potential by manifesting our dreams into reality…or do we just coast through life doing nothing with the gifts we have been given?

If we choose to do the latter, than we really are The Fool in a very negative sense!

Keywords To Remember

As far as keywords connected to The Fool go, I like to keep in mind Dreamer, Innocent, Birth, Acting On Faith, and Unlimited Potential.

Of course these are just a few possible keywords.  Use your own imagination and see what keywords you can come up with.

Well that does it for our first instalment of Numerology and the Major Arcana.  Our next instalment will deal with the following three cards in the Major Arcana; The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Empress.  Until then take care!

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What Is The Temperance Tarot Card Meaning? (5 Helpful Takeaways)

temperance tarot card meaning

The Temperance Card from The Aquarian, Morgan Greer and Rider Tarot Decks

The Temperance Tarot card meaning can be seen from a variety of different perspectives, as there are multiple meanings to all of the 78 cards.

But there are some general meanings we can attribute to the Temperance Tarot card.

Below are just a few possible meanings I see in the Temperance Tarot card based on almost 50 years of Tarot reading experience.

5 Temperance Tarot Card Meanings

The first Temperance Tarot card meaning I see is that of Health and Healing. Look at the way the angel is pouring water from one cup to another. Reminds me of a doctor or alchemist mixing a healing remedy.  Take your medicine and get well soon!

The next meaning I see is the need to live a healthy lifestyle.  Take it easy, go with the flow and keep things moving on an even footing.  Avoid undue worry and focus on the positive aspects of life.

I also see the concept of moderation and balance at play here.  The angel has one foot in the water and one foot on dry land while mixing his tonic.  Seems like a good balancing act to me.  Here the card could be saying to maintain moderation in all things and live a balanced life.

Going along with the idea of moderation and balance, I see the idea of avoiding addiction and addictive behaviors.  Addictions destroy health and lives.  Focus on healthy habits, not destructive ones.

And lastly the Temperance card speaks to me of keeping focused and living a life of integrity.  Do your outer actions in life conform with your inner beliefs?  Or are you in a position where you claim to believe one thing and yet practice another?  Temperance says, “Be true to yourself.”


Yet another way to look at the Temperance card is by way of numerology.

In the Major Arcana the Temperance card holds the number 14.  14 breaks down to 5 (1+4=5) and 5 can be seen as the number of change.  From this we can see that the Temperance card can also hold the meaning of change…especially in the positive sense, such as healing and growth.

Of course the Temperance card can have a negative interpretation as well.  When we see it in the reversed position or surrounded by more negative cards, the meaning of Temperance can be altered, indicating a problem or blockage in matters of health and/or well being and the need to address these problems.

If you are unsure in a reading whether or not the Temperance card should be interpreted in a positive or negative sense, just take an overall view of the card as it appears in the Tarot spread and let your intuition be your guide.

The Ultimate Temperance Tarot Card Meaning: Helping Your Client Solve A Problem!

One thing to keep in mind with Temperance and all other cards as well is that alone they really have no clear meaning.  It is only in relationship to your client’s question and the other cards in a spread that Tarot cards have a meaning.

Does your interpretation of the card help to answer a client’s question or find a possible solution to a sought after problem?  If so then you can rest assured that the interpretation given was correct.

So don’t just focus on textbook definitions of these cards.  Go with your gut and see what the cards might be saying about the question at hand.  Interpretations can be many and varied.  The one that best helps your client is the one you need to focus on.

And this meaning is the one that comes from the heart…not a textbook.

Visit Our YouTube Channel

I shot a video a few days ago talking about the Temperance Tarot card meanings. You can find it below:

Those are a few of the many possible meanings I see in the Temperance card.  What meanings do you see in this card? Let me know in the comments below.

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Visit our booking page here.

Understanding The Tarot of Marseille

How to Read and Interpret this Classic Deck.

Some Tarot of Marseille Major Arcana cards.

Understanding The Tarot of Marseille

The Tarot of Marseille is a very old deck dating back to the 1700’s.

Thus it has a more primitive yet elegant look, making it popular among serious Tarot deck collectors.

And while the Major Arcana (example above) in the Marseille Tarot is easy to recognize, it’s the Minor Arcana which trips up many first time readers…particularly those who are used to the Rider Tarot or similar decks.


No illustrations on the numbered cards.

The Rider Tarot was one of the first popular decks which used illustrations on all 78 cards (and all popular decks since have done the same).

But…the Tarot of Marseille dates back to an earlier and simpler time in which the numbered cards were not illustrated.

This leads to a major problem for many contemporary Tarot Readers. 

How do you interpret the numbered cards (example below) without the illustrations to guide you?

Do I have to go to a Tarot guide book and memorize long detailed definitions of each card?

Fortunately the answer to this question is no.

There is an easier way!

What will follow is a look at how to interpret the numbered cards of the Minor Arcana.

I will not deal with the Major Arcana or the Royals at this time as their interpretation is very much in line with other decks.

For now I will only deal with the problem of interpreting the numbered cards!

Some numbered cards from the Tarot of Marseille.

How To Interpret The Pip Cards of the Tarot of Marseille

The answer to this problem is surprisingly simple.

Just interpret the numbered cards using basic numerology.

Vincent Pitisci in his book Bare-Bones Tarot gives an easy formula for interpreting the numbered cards of the Marseille Tarot which relies upon Numerology and Keywords.

This is a simple formula that beginners can pick up on pretty quickly to aid them in understanding the Tarot of Marseille and other decks too.

I will give a brief rundown of this formula below.

Understanding The Numbered Cards Using Numerology. 

Before attempting to read with the Tarot of Marseille, we first must gain a basic understanding of Numerology.

Then use that understanding to find easy to remember Keywords to associate with each of the numbered cards.

Let us start with the Aces.

The Ace stands for New Beginnings.

So when you see an Ace, think of Keywords that speak of Beginnings.

Possible Keywords could be a New Idea, Opportunity, or Awareness.

Just use your imagination and come up with Keywords that make sense to you.

Next we have the Twos.

Twos can stand for Choices, Harmony or Duality.

Again, think of Keywords that match or build upon that basic meaning, and be prepared to run with it.

Next up…the Threes.

Threes can stand for Trinity and Creativity.

What Keywords or phrases can you think of that match that meaning?

Then we have the Fours.

Fours stand for Stability.

Possible Keywords can be Foundation, Solid Opportunity or Security.

What Keywords can you think of?

Next…the Fives.

Five stands for Change.

What Keywords can you think of that go with the concept of change?

The Sixes.

Six stands for Perseverance.

Keywords like Love, Compassion, Nurturing, Healing, Steadfastness can all come to mind.

What does it mean to persevere with a person or situation?

The Sevens.

Seven can stand for Excellence or Perfection.

What Keywords come to mind for you?

The Eights.

Eight can stand for Speed and Advancement.

Think of related words and run with those.

The Nines.

Nine stands for Attainment.

What words come to mind relating to attaining something you desire?

Lastly…the Tens.

Ten stands for Completion of the old cycle and the beginning of a new cycle.

Think of keywords that match that meaning and make sense to you.

Of course this is a radically simplified version of reading the numbered cards using basic Numerology.

Notice we did not deal with the suits at all, only the numerology.

And this is sufficient to get you started on your reading journey.

You can always add in the elemental qualities of the suits to your readings later if you like.

Or just run with the numerology.

Vincent Pitisci goes into much greater depth and detail in his book Bare-Bones Tarot.

And his methods of reading can be used with the Tarot of Marseille…or any other deck you like to use.

To get a complete understanding of this reading method, check out Vincent’s book on Amazon.

Ready to start your Tarot reading journey using the Tarot of Marseille?  If so, pick up your own deck today.

Happy Readings!

What Content Would YOU Like To See?

Tarot Spread


Tarot of The Infinite is now 2 days old and I am busy considering what kind of content to add.

Of course I will be doing Tarot Deck and book reviews and be spending some time talking about Tarot Spreads, Tarot Reading and giving tips to beginners on how to get started on their own Tarot Reading journey.  We may even add some online tarot reading services.

But I feel led to ask…what kind of content do YOU want to see here?

Let me know in the comment section and I will do my best to add the particular content you wish to see.

Until Later,